Saturday, 22 April 2017

Lillesand Flaksvandbanen (the Lillesand Flaksvand railway) was a narrow gauge railway in the south of Norway. It was built to the standard narrow gauge in Norway, 1067mm (CAP). It opened in 1896. It had dimunitive locos and wagons. It was never connected to the other railways of Norway. The line was abandoned in 1954. 

Recently a new interest in preserving the history of the line and  exhibit it in a small local museum are fronted by Carl Fredrik Thorsager a well known person from other preserved railway lines etc.  

There is a facebook group about this with a lot of information and pictures here


Carl Fredrik knew that an acomplished model railway builder, Stein Ragnar Pünther, had made some small models of a loco and three wagons from the railway and asked me if  these models still existed. And yes, actually I had them on my shelves, borrowed from Stein some years ago.  They appear in my other blog and can be seen posing here:

Follow this link for more om Rena 1900;


Carl Fredrik then asked if it was possible to borrow the models to exhibit in the new museum. It so happened that I was going to meet with Stein the same day (5.april 2017). We had the meeting discussing other Narrow gauge modeling ideas/projects.

Tertittkameratene UHB

Stein liked the idea to include his models in the museum 
The models Stein made from LFB and my model of Rena1900 is to the same scale 1:160 and based on the same norwegian narrow gauge of 1067mm. In N scale (1:160) this is 6,65mm gauge. The whole train that Stein made of loco and three wagons is only 13 cm long (about 5 inches). I suggested that Stein and I could ccoperate to make a small diorama to better exhibit the small models. We agreed  to chose a small halt at the line named Storemyr as theme for the diorama. Stein is responsible for making the small building with platform and I for the design of the diorama and for track and terrain. The final detailing is a common effort. The next posts will concentrate on the progress of building the diorama.
It will be a static display.

This is the map of the small halt Storemyr. Note stitchdrain  for drainage marked on each side of the crossroad. The diorama will have the road in front

 And here is the train leaving the halt just by the crossroad. There is a small stitchdrain visible.

 Here is the Station in its early years with a small plattform and a manual turnout. Small trees are growing on each side of the crossroad.

 And here years after the closure of the line. The trees are big now.

 Here is the idea for a small diorama. We have found a perfect clear acrylic box here:


 ..and we build the diorama inside. The box is 40x20x20cm. But we do not want to "SHOW ALL". By reducing the aperture to about 20x15 cm, we will focus on the little train and the building.

 Here is the blueprint...

...and during easter Stein was active and built the little building. Its only about 38mm long

Yesterday the SHOW ALL box arrived and the first test with paper screening could take place.