This is the map of the small halt Storemyr. Note stitchdrain for drainage marked on each side of the crossroad. The diorama will have the road in front
And here is the train leaving the halt just by the crossroad. There is a small stitchdrain visible.
Here is the Station in its early years with a small plattform and a manual turnout. Small trees are growing on each side of the crossroad.
Here is the idea for a small diorama. We have found a perfect clear acrylic box here:
Here is the blueprint...
...and during easter Stein was active and built the little building. Its only about 38mm long
Yesterday the SHOW ALL box arrived and the first test with paper screening could take place.
Great work! We at the museum are really looking forward to displaying the model as part of our exhibition about the ancient railway. Steven Carpenter, bestyrer Birkenes Bygdemuseum